Associate Principal Trombone (100%) (тромбон)


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Cairo, Egypt. Заявки до 15 июня.

Cairo Symphony Orchestra

(One-year contract)
Cairo Symphony Orchestra Vacancies

Season 2019/2020

The Cairo Symphony Orchestra announces the following
vacancies to be filled by September 1st:


1. Associate Concertmaster 1st Violin
2. Sub-Principal 1st Violin group
3. Sub-Principal 2nd Violin group
4. 2 Tutti First Violins (100% )
5. 2 Tutti Second Violins (100%)
6. Associate Principal Viola (100 %)
7. Sub-Principal Viola
8. Tutti Viola


1. Principal Flute
2. Principal Horn (100%)
3. Associate Principal Horn (100%)
4. Low Horn (2 + 4)
5. Second Bassoon (100%)
6. Associate Principal Trombone (100%)


Application Forms to be obtained online at the C.S.O.
management. (
Blue Danube Danube Musikimpresario

Deadline for Application is June 15, 2019.

The admission to auditions is only possible through an Invitation
from the management.
Closing date: 15 Jun 2019
More details/How to apply:
CSO Audition Requirements 2019 (pdf)